****Due to a busy schedule I will only be doing mule trades for the next ~1.5 weeks
Limited time offer on rune trades:
Um runes FT
Pul runes FT
Updated with table of contents for faster navigating this large list :P Just "ctrl+F" and type the relevant section you wish to browse.
.Set items
.Unique Jewelery
.Unique Gloves
.Unique Boots
.Unique Helms
.Unique Belts
.Unique Shields
.Unique Armor
.Unique Weapons
.Socketables/socketed whites
Hi! Welcome to my shop for season 8. For currency values I am using the following (I realize this differs from the guide, but this seems to be more in line with current bnet trade values and what I value). Mule trades work for me, as do in game trades.
Pgems (saph, skulls, emerald, diamonds)= .5 points
Pgems=1 point (topaz, ruby, ameth�Note I realize most people value ameths and rubys higher for crafting, I don�t craft however and these are only useful to me for adding sockets to items)
Lem = 5 points
Pul = 15 points
Um = 30 points
Mal = 40 points
Ist = 50 points
Gul =60 points
Vex = 100 points
Ohm = 125 points
Sur/Cham = 150 points
Zod = 200 points
Lo/Ber/Jah = 250 points
For runes lower than vex, I am willing to take a combination adding up to the equivalent points unless otherwise noted (explained below). For example, suppose I had a bin set at Gul, I would be willing to take 2x Um. If I have a �points� value in the bin then I am willing to take any combination adding up to that points value. For runes vex and above, I am not willing to take smaller combinations of runes adding up to the equivalent points. If I specify a points value and include "1 X+ rune" then I require a rune at least that high and then any combination of runes adding up to the remaining points. For example if I say 150 points with at least 1 vex plus rune--I will take a vex+ist, or Ohm+pul+2 lem, etc. I'd prefer in large points trades to take no more than 3 rune types unless these are runes Ist and above. For example, if you get a big order of 200 points of small items--I'd prefer not get 200 points in Puls, rather 4 ists etc.
Items I list as �offer� I am more flexible with, so don�t be afraid to offer. Any item listed as �offer� if I think it is a fair offer, I will leave up for 24h before closing, unless that I feel the item isn't likely to be counter-offered on and the offer is fair, then I am willing to close. If you have any questions just ask.
Currently my ISO is small and I am really only looking for runes to reduce my mule space. However here is my short item ISO,
eth non-superior elite paladin shields with 30-40@res-Will pay Ist
eth non-superior elite paladin shields with 40+res-LMK what you have as different shield types and how close to perfect the res is will make its value vary.
4os eth bugged elite paladin shields with 30-40@res-Will pay Gul
4os eth bugged eleite paladin shields with 40+res-LMK what you have as different shield types and how close to perfect the res is will make its value vary.
Rare paladin amulet that must have 2 paladin skills, 15 or more str and 20% or more MF. I am willing to pay 2 ist for this base and more depending on other stats.
Update ISO: Looking for a 3 WC or 2 Barb amulet with 80% GF (must have 80 to replace my current)--Will to pay 3 ists for this.
Please disregard the information in the �[]� that is so I can find it on a mule. Items where level requirement maybe of interest (such as possible LLD items), I�ve added the level requirement in �()�.
Quick note on some abbreviations: CR/FR/LR/PR-respective res (ie; CR=cold res), MF=magic find, GF=gold find, ed=enhanced damage, max refers to max damage/min to min damage.
Torches are listed as stats/res
10/18-10 points, [A-3]
13/12-3 points, [7-2]
13/19-15 points[2-3]
10/18-10 points[2-4]
12/16-10 points [1-1]
18/13-80 points [3-2]
17/15-300 points, 1 cham/sur+ rune [3-7]
19/12-350 points, 1 cham/sur+ rune [2-7]
20/16-250 points, 1 ohm+ rune[3-3]
20/19-Offers [1-2]
20/17-300 points, 1 ohm+ rune[1-5]
17/19-200 points, 1 vex+ rune[2-5]
19/12-Vex [3-4]
10/17-15 points [7-1]
14/20-75 points[7-4]
18/11-80 points[2-2]
Listed as GF/MF/Vendor reduction
108/40/10-Vex, [A-3]
84/39/15-Gul [A-5]
144/37/14-Gul [A-4]
133/39/13-Vex [7-1]
1 offensive/1 max-Ist[3]
1 offensive/15 life-Ist+Um[3]
1 defensive/7 FRW- 40 points [3]
1 defensive/1-28 lite dmg-5 points [3]
2x1 defensive-5 points [3]
1 shadow/26 life-Vex[3]
1 MA/12 FHR-Ist [3]
1 P&M/39 Life-1 Jah, Ber or Lo +Vex [3]
3x1 bow-15 points each[3]
1 bow/3 max dmg-15 points [3]
1 bow/5-11 cold dmg-15 points [3]
1 jav-Ist (must be ist) [3]
4x 1 bcombat-30 points each[2]
2x1 bmastery-10 points[2]
1 bmastery/3 max-15 points[2]
1 bmastery/13 life-40 points[2]
2x1 WC-50 points [2][3]
2x nsummoning-40 points each [3]
1 dsummoning-15 points[2]
5 FHR/9 FR-40 points
(29)5FHR/5 mana-5 points
3x 5FHR-3 points each
5 FHR/2 max/18 ar-Offer
3x100 psn dmg-15 points each
100 psn dmg/5% GF-15 points
102 psn dmg-Pul
100 psn dmg/1 dex-25 points
100 psn dmg/3 FRW-Offer
100 psn dmg/13 life-Offer
175 psn dmg-Offer
10LR/2 str-Um
10CR/2 str-Um
11CR-15 points
11LR/1 str-Um
3x11LR-15 points each
11LR/4% MF-Offer
11LR/2 dex-Offer
2x10% GF-3 points
2x17 life-1 point each
2x3 max/17 AR-30 points each
35 AR/2 dex-Offer
8 FHR/30 mana-offer
4x175 psn dmg-25 points
175 psn dmg/33 life-offer
175 psn dmg/34 life-offer
175 psn/6 life-30 points
6 max/48 ar/18 life-Offer
12 FHR/20 FR-5 points
132 AR/2-3 cold dmg-5 points
132 AR-5 points
131 AR-5 points
40 life/11% MF-1 points
35% GF/10% MF-5 points
39% GF/57 mana-40 points
10 max/54 AR-40 points
4 max/44 AR/31 life-15 points
+Skill/-res/lvl or die
5/3/lvl/cold-15 points
4/5/lvl/cold-15 points
3/5/die/psn-5 points
3/5/lvl/psn-2 points
5/4/lvl/psn-5 points
3/5/lvl/fire-5 points
4/4/lvl/fire-15 points
2x4/5/die/fire-35 points
7 FHR/28%ed/6 def-10 points
7 FHR/38% ed-Vex
7 FHR/48% dmg to undead/46 ar against undead/9 str/3 mana after kill-40 points
7 FHR/3 max dmg/-15 req-40 points
7 FHR/4 min/9 str/11 max stamina-50 points
26 FR/16 life-Offer
(18)21 FR/14 max-Offer
11@res/8 str-40 points
11@res/-15 req-Gul
14@res/adds 1-19 lite dmg-20 points
(26)15@res/3 min-Ist
(8)8max/1 energy/8life-offer
(30) Adds 7-9 dmg/15 LR-offer
Adds 8-9 dmg/7 mana/15 CR-offer
(18)15 max/21 stam-Ist
(18)3x15 max-Mal each
(18)15 max/5 pr-Mal
(25) 18% ed/30 def/5 str/3 dex-offer
(9) 20% ed/4 max-offer
40%ed/10 min-350 points (1 must be from 250 point HRs)
Unid IK armor-Mal [2-1]
2x Tal�s Ammy- Um each [2-5]
1 cold/2 fire/2 lite Tal�s orb- 25 points [2-5]
4x HighLords-15 points [3-2]
Skills/dmg to demons/ar demons/dmg undead/ar undead
2/29/225/50/212-8 points
2/45/173/47/203-8 points
2/34/153/45/183-5 points
Saracen's Chance
2x24-5 points
2x25 points-5 points
209/19-40 points
200/18-30 points
Nature's peace 23 PR, 8 iPDR-15 points
30-15 points
15 MDR dwarf Stars
4x-15 points each
3x perfect manald rings-5 points each
30/16/201-90 points
33/16/201-90 points
193-30 points
194-30 points
195-40 points
197-Ist (must be ist)
War Travs
40% MF-40 points
Listed edef/str/vita
158/14/12-15 points
148/13/13-15 points
157/13/10-5 points
Eth 143/12/14/67 PR-2x Jah/Ber/Lo+ 150 points(1 ohm+ rune)
208% edef/52 life-5 points
194% edef/65 life-Ist
Eth Arreats-196% edef/3% LL-2x Jah/ber or lo.
Just @res listed
53-5 points
67-30 points
2x 62- 15 points
Eth 67-200 points (1 cham/sur+ rune)
8/8/20/15 (perfect)-250 points (Jah/ber or lo)
6/8/17/12-7 points
7/8/18/11-10 points
7/8/18/10-10 points
8/8/19/13-40 points
Valk Wing-2 zon, 198% edef-Ist
Giant Skull-252 def/25 str/2 os-30 points
Giant skull-290 def/31 str/1os-5 points
8/131/29-30 points
DemonHorn�s Edge
3/3/2/4/153-20 points
3/3/3/5/158-Offer (2% edef off perfect!)
CoA: 1os/+111 def/22@res/14% DR-Offer
Harlequin Crest
130-30 points
136-40 points
Eth 175-Gul
Eth 204-Vex
Eth Blackhorn�s Face
211% edef, 404 def-40 points
214% edef, 408 def-40 points
104/8/13/7-40 points
176% edef-2 points
196% edef-Ist
Cerebus-3 shape/101% AR/10 LL/2 feral/138% edef-2 points
165-5 points
187-10 points
190-15 points
193-15 points
90-30 points
92-30 points
2x107-40 points each
108-40 points each
129/33/14-25 points
126/34/14-25 points
90/33/11-10 points
117/38/13-25 points
59/7-15 points
56/7-15 points
edef/Lvl CTC blizzard
156/16-5 points
166/18-5 points
70 (upped)-10 points
163-20 points
164-20 points
167-20 points
174-30 points
179-30 points
Upped 187, 499 def-50 points
152-5 points
159-5 points
Eth 162, 277 def-15 points
Boneflame-150% edef, 3 skills, 22@res-30 points
Base def
148 (perfect)-Ist
Medusa's-9ll, 156% edef, 77 CR-10 points
Head hunters-3os, +408 def, 303 vs missile, 20FR, 30PR, 6 lpk-30 points
195-5 points
213, 2x pdiam inserted (can clear if you desire)-7 points
10/12/12/Frost Nova-5 points
11/10/15/Nova-5 points
Viper-33@res/12 MDR-5 points
182% edef-1 point
171% edef/1os (ptopaz inserted)-Ist or 50 points
ETH 200% edef-300 points (1 Zod+ rune)
Guardian Angel-196% edef-5 points
Valor-1 skill/173% edef/15 DR-7 points
4xOculus- 10 points each
2xEth Oculus-Vex
2xEagleHorn-5 points each
Blood Ravens-4 bow/228 ed/224% AR-Gul
Eschuta�s Temper
2/11/16/29-2 points
2/17/10/21-2 points
2/14/17-22-2 points
Eth Bartuc�s, 1 MA, 2 sin, 187% ed, 8ll-Gul
Azurewrath, 13 sanctuary, 247% ed, 5 attributes-Ist
Ali Baba
2x-15 points
Eth-40 points
Doombringer, 5% ll, 204% ed-5 points
Gull dagger-30 points
Ondal�s Wisdom
skills/+ def/energy/mdr
3/481/48/7-20 points
3/511/43/6-30 points
3/476/45/8-20 points
4/458/48/7-30 points
Death�s Fathom, 22 CSD/25LR/34FR-80 points (must include ist)
Eth Bonesnap, 216%ed- Offer
Eth executioner�s Justice, 260% ed-15 points
The Redeemer, 2 pala/266% ed/4 redemption/4 holybolt/+96 damage-30 points(this is a great weapon for smite until you can afford a grief!)
Asteron's-3 pcomb, 264% ed, +64 dmg, 176% AR-Ist
Tomb reaver
1os, 38@res, 53 MF, 215 ed, 10 lpk-5 points
2 os, 40@res, 60 MF, 243 ed, 14 lpk-15 points
235 ed, 15 ll-55 points
214 ed, 13 ll-30 points
Death Cleaver zerker axe, 249% ed, 6 life after kill-Offer
Eth Death Cleaver zerker axe, 240% ed, 8 life after kill-Offer
Unid death Cleaver-300 points, 1 Jah/ber/Lo
Rare ring-10 FCR/32 life/40 mana/8 LR/28 PR-Ist
Rare ring-10 FCR/53 AR/33 life/6@res/10 MF/ 14% CTC lv 5 nova-30 points
3 nsummoning/62 life-10 ponts
2 necro/98 life-15 points
2 zon/96 life-10 points
2 P&M/80%GF-10 points
3 P&M/30 dex-5 points
3 MA/26 dex-1 points
2x 3 traps-3 points
(30)2 cold/life per clvl-offer
1 fire/29% mf-1 points
3 lite-3 points
3 cold-2 points
3 cold/poison length reduced by 75%-offer
3 fire/93 life-15 points
3 cold/21% mf-Offer
3 defensive/95 life-1 point
3 defensive/94 life-1 point
3 defensive/10fcr-3 points
3 defensive/11% mf-1 point
3 offensive/60 life-2 points
3 warcry-5 points
80% GF/5@res-40 points
78% GF/11@res-30 points
Sin Circlet-0os/2 sin/ life and mana based on clvl-15 points
Sorc Circlet-0os/2 sorc/20 fcr-Offer
Druid Circlet-0os/3 dsummoning/33 life-15 points
Rare Druid pelt (wolf head)-0os/2 druid/3 nado/2 volc/1 shockwave/25% edef/33 life/30 LR/ repairs dura-Offer
Rare Barb helm (green horned helm)-0os/2 barb/10 FHR/1 BC/3 BO/1 increased speed/6 life/28 FR/ repairs dura
(30)Rare necro head-0os/1 necro/2 iron golem/3 BS/3 life/27 PR/MDR 1/attacker takes 3-offer
Rare battle belt-24 FHR/25 str/21 life/3 mana/8 stam/85% edef-20 points
Sorc orbs
0os/3 fire skills/1 light mastery/1 thunder storm/2 fireball/33 life/+3 replenish life-40 points
0os/3 fire skills/1 meteor/2 fire wall/26 life/lvl 5 teleport-30 points
+3 WC balanced knives 3x sets (6 total)-Ist per set
Gauntles-2 jav/20ias/15dex/25% PR/repairs dura-35 points
Oath eth Conquest sword-208-299 dmg, 279% ed/2ar/14 magic sorb-65 points
HOTO flail-39@res-Jah/Ber/Lo
Sanctuary Royal shield-476 defense/162% edef/96@res- 45 points (Note this was made in a superior shield with enhanced defense, roll is over the 160% edef of sanctuary r/w)
Sanctuary Kurast Shield-400 defense/61% edmg/109 ar/68@res/160% edef- 45 points
Prudence ebugged AP-2737 def/160%edef/34@res-Ist or 50 points
Treachery, 519 def Kraken shell-5 points
Duress Shadow plate-2883 def, 18% ed, 169% edef-Ist+30 pts
Duress diamond mail-2468 def, 19% ed, 162@ edef-Mal+30 pts
Spirit Protector Shield-90 mana/7 Magic sorb/33 FCR/42@res base-30 points
Oath eth Cryptic Sword-23-387 dmg/237 ed/10 magic sorb- 55 points
Oath eth ettin axe- 182-369 dmg/273% ed/10 magic sorb- 65 points
Crescent Moon Eth GPA-199-549 dmg/189 ed/10 magic sorb- 35 points
Crescent Moon Eth CA-156-720 dmg/220 ed/9 magic sorb- 45 points
Obedience Eth Thresher-84-991 dmg/218 def/21@res-20 points
CTA-3BC/1BO/3Bcry eth crystal sword-100 points
CTA-4BC/1BO/1Bcry crystal sword-100 points
Stone Kraken shell-4062 def, 257% edef-Ist+50 points
Stone shadow plate-4679 def, 289% edef-offer
Gloom Great hauberk, 3960 def, 253% ed (1121 base armor)-Ist+20 points
Grief PB- 35 ias, +342-Jah/Ber/Lo+50 points
Death eth zerker, 154-453 dmg, 328% ed-425 points, 1 vex+ rune and 1 cham/sur+ rune
.SOCKETABLES/SOCKETED WHITES�Note these items have all been found in hell and will get the max number of sockets from quest. I can add the sockets for an additional charge of Pul
3os superior BP, 15% edef, 79 def-55 points [6-4]
2x0os superior breast plate, 15% edef, 79 def-40 points[6-1]
4os Sacred armor, 550 def-30 points [6-4]
3os sacred armor, 590 def-15 points [6-4]
0os superior sacred armor, 13% edef, 679 def-Ist[6-3]
0os superior sacred armor, 14% edef, 13% dura-Gul [6-4]
0os superior sacred armor, 15% edef, , 14% dura, 691 def-Ohm[6-3]
0os superior wire fleece, 15 %edef, 554 def-Vex [6-3]
0os superior dusk shroud, 6% edef, 496 def-30 points []
0os superior dusk shroud, 8% edef, 12% dura, 505 def-40 points[6-4]
4os dusk shroud, 461 def-30 points[6-4]
4os AP, 513 def-Ist [6-2]
4os AP, 519 def-Ist [6-2]
4os Ebugged wyrmhide, 877 def-5 points [6-2]
4os Ebugged scarab husk, 964 def-5 points [6-2]
4os ebugged hellforage plate, 1027 def-Ist (must be ist) [6-2]
4os ebugged loricated mail, 1035 def-Ist (must be ist) [6-2]
4os ebugged lacqured plate, 1098 def-Ist+30 points (must include ist)) [6-2]
4os ebugged great hauberk, 1041 def-Ist (must be ist) [6-2]
3os ebugged great hauberk, 1086 def-Ist [6-2]
3os ebugged diamond mail, 1099 def-Ist [6-2]
2os Ebugged Great Hauberk, 1059 def-5 points [6-4]
2os Ebugged Barlog skin, 1111 def-5 points [6-2]
0os superior demon head, 12% edef, 173 def-Ist[6-3]
3os rage mask, 1 grim ward/3 bo/1 iron skin-30 points [6-1]
0os horned helm, 3 bc/2 nat res/2 bo-30 points l[6-1]
0os superior troll nest, 6% edef, 184 def-5 points[6-1]
0os superior sacred rondache, 64% edmg, 112 ar, 13% dura, 164 def-Ist[6-1]
0os vortex shield, 31@res, 208 def-Ist[6-1]
2x0os royal shield, 156 def, 43@res-Ist[6-1]
0os sacred rondache, 152 def, 42@res-2 Ist (must be Ist runes)[6-1]
0os zakarum shield, 170 def, 44@res-2 Ist(must be Ist runes)[6-1]
0os kurast shield, 159 def, 41@res-Ist+Mal (must be Ist rune and any combo up to 40 points)[6-1]
0os eth superior akaran targe, 213 def, 13%edef, 31@res-offer[6-1]
4os vortex shield, 188 def, 59% ed, 120 ar-30 points[6-1]
(34)4os superior protector shield, 177 def, 65% ed, 114 ar, 15% edef, 14% dura-40 points[6-1]
3x5os eth flail-40 points[6-5][6-8]
5os flail-15 points each[6-8]
4os flail-15 points each[6-8]
0os eth thunder maul-Ist[6-5]
0os superior PB, 12% ed, 3 ar-Gul[6-5]
0os superior PB, 15% ed, 3 ar-Vex[6-6]
2x5os PB-Ist(must be Ist rune))[6-7]
0os superior colossus sword, 1 ar, 11% dura-20 points[6-7]
0os eth balrog blade-40 points[6-7]
3x0os eth colossus blade-Ist[6-7]
6os eth colossus blade-Ist+Pul[6-6]
0os Eth superior colossus blade, 12% ed-150 points, 1 vex+ rune[6-5]
6os eth crystal sword-5 points[6-7]
0os eth superior crystal sword, 10% ed, 14% dura-10 points[6-7]
4os PB-40 points[6-7]
2x5os crystal sword-40 points each[6-5][6-7]
0os eth cryptic sword-40 points [6-8]
4os eth cryptic sword-Ist [6-8]
0os eth superior giant thresher,11% dura-40 points[6-5]
6os eth giant thresher-40 points[6-5]
5os eth giant thresher-Ist (must be ist) [6-4]
4x5os eth thresher-Ist[6-6][6-8]
0os eth superior GPA, 3 ar, 11% dura-40 points [6-6]
3x5os eth GPA-Ist[6-6][6-8]
2x5os eth CA-Mal[6-6][6-8]
0os eth War spike-30 points[6-6]
5os eth War Spike-45 points[6-6]
5os eth ettin axe-40 points[6-8]
0os superior ettin axe, 15% ed-Ist[6-8]
0os 3 BS ghost wand-40 points [6-5]
0os 3 BS grim wand-40 points [6-5]
0os 3 BS/3 bone prison grim wand-40 points [6-6]
0os superior great bow, 12% ed-Ist [6-4]|||ist + 5 crafts (prub,pam,ptop)
gheed 83/38/12-55 points [1-8]
lmk thanks|||@mmogamr- Sounds good send mule info or if your in game now msg me. Acnt cd287601
Trade completed in game, thanks!|||Quote:
2x 1 WC-40 points[2]
2x19 life-30 points
18 life/26 def-25 points
18 life-10 points
(17)4x15 life-10 points
(17)12 life/6 mana-15 points
0os superior dusk shroud, 10% edef, 514 def- Ist[6-1] (socketed)
0os superior dusk shroud, 11% edef, 13% dura, 519 def-Ist[6-1] (socketed)
0os superior dusk shroud, 14% edef, 533 def, Gul[6-4] (socketed)
4os ebugged ornate plate, 1009 def-Pul [6-2]
4os ebugged barlog skin, 1099 def-Um[6-2]
4os ebugged wire fleece, 1041 def-Um[6-2]
4os ebugged lacquered plate, 1071 def-Um[6-2]
4os ebugged diamond mail, 1048 def-Um[6-2]
4os ebugged wire fleece, 1059 def-Um[6-2]
0os eth colossus sword-Ist[6-7] (socketed)
0os eth ettin axe-Ist[6-5] (socketed)
5os eth ettin axe-Gul[6-8]
ill offer 2x Ber on these, lmk|||Quote:
ill offer 2x Ber on these, lmk
I like ber's, but I cant leave 215 points on the table


I like ber's, but I cant leave 215 points on the table


Deal xP
but i wont be able to be online until tomorrow, sorry for the delay|||NP Niokax, I can send you mule info later this evening if that is okay with you?|||Quote:
15/15-Ist, [A-4] 50 pts
14/13-Um [1-1] 30 pts
224/16-3 points
Harlequin Crest
119-10 points
Windforce 7Ml- 30 points
4xUms and 3 pgems for those (123 pts)? I can do in-game trading after 8pm.
4xUms and 3 pgems for those (123 pts)? I can do in-game trading after 8pm.
HD that works for me. PM me your account name or leave here and I'll whisper you after 8pm est. Thx|||33% Wartravs-Pul
I'll do this. I can do in game trading anytime tonight pretty much. Whisper me at *scollin
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