I prefer mule trade as I have to work and it's so much easier that way.
My ISO will is based in points value unless Rune specified:
If you see price in Rune, that's what I would prefer to get, but on some items I may take currency as well...just ask.
T-key - 5 points
H-Key - 7 points
D-Key - 10 points .....
P Diamond - 1 point
P Topaz - 1 points
P Ruby - 1 points
P Ameth 2 points
Tir runes - 1 point
Ort runes - 1 point
Tal runes - 1 point
Thul runes - 1 point
Amn runes - 1 point
Ral runes - 1.5 point
Sol runes - 1 point
Hel runes - 2 point
Lem - 8 points
Pul - 16 points
UM - 30 points
Mal - 40 points
IST -50 points
Gul -60 points
Vex - 100 points
OHM - 125 points
CHAM/SUR - 150 points
ZOD - 180
LO/BER/JAH - 250 points
Note about HR's:
If the item you're biding oh have a high value please understand that
my HR system is not perfect. So just to make it clear I will always
take Higher rune like OHM = 200 points against 4x IST = 200 points
Note about " - or points":
When I say IST or 50 points please do not send MAL(40 points) + 10 points in crafts.
Send eaither 2x MAL, 4x UM, 8x PUL etc., or 50 low crafting runes and gems.
When I say MAL or 40 points please do not send 5x LEM's. Lem is not crafting rune.
Send either runes that would make MAL (2x UM/ 4x PUL) or 40 low crafting runes and gems.
4os ETH CRYPTIC AXE - paying 2x IST
ETH 4os 11xxDef ARMOR - paying 2x IST
Jewel w/ 20%ED+ and 17+F Res - IST
Amulet-Craft......2 Shadow Skills, 9FCR, 9Min Dam, 10 Mana, 9 Reg Mana, 10C/L/F Res, 47P Res - UM or 30 points
Amulet-Magic......3 Shadow Disciples, 10FCR - PUL or 20 points
Amulet-Rare......2 Assasin Skils, 10FCR, 11C/F/P Res, 37L Res, Mag Dam red by2, Teleport Charges - GUL
Amulet-Rare......2 Assasin Skills, 10FCR, 26STR, 6Stamina, 7 All Res - offer
Amulet-Rare......2 Assasin Skills, 27STR, 4Dext, 34Life, 9L Res, 30P Res - GUL
Amulet-Set......Talrasha Ammy x2 - UM or 30 points
Amulet-Uniq......Highlords x5 - PUL or 16 points each
Amulet-Uniq......Mara Kaleidoscope, 23All Res - IST or 50 crafting points
Amulet-Uniq......Mara Kaleidoscope, 24All Res - IST +50 crafting points
Amulet-Uniq......Mara Kaleidoscope, 30All Res (perf) - offer
Armor-Set......IK Armor - PUL or 20 points
Armor-Set......IK Armor - PUL or 20 points
Armor-Set......Talrasha Armor, 905Def - UM or 30 points
Armor-Set......Talrasha Armor, 906Def - UM or 30 points
Armor-Set......Talrasha Armor, 937Def - MAL or 40 points
Armor-Uniq......Eth Toothrow, 212ED - IST
Belt-Rare.......24FHR, 29STR, 44Life, 100%E Def, 22Max Stam - GUL
Belt-Uniq.......Arach Mesh, 101ED - UM+LEM or 35 crafting points
Belt-Uniq.......Arach Mesh, 103ED - UM+LEM or 35 crafting points
Belt-Uniq.......Arach Mesh, 114ED - MAL
Belt-Uniq.......Arach Mesh, 112ED - MAL
Belt-Uniq.......Arach Mesh, 117ED - IST
Belt-Uniq.......Arach Mesh, 120ED (perf) - 1 HR (OHM and higher)
Belt-Uniq......Snowclash - LEM or 8 points
Belt-Uniq......T-Gods, 191ED - PUL or 16 points
Belt-Uniq......Verdungo, 35/14 - MAL or 40 crafting points
Boots-Uniq......Gore Riders, 191ED - UM or 25 points
Boots-Uniq......Sandstorm Treks, 14STR, 14Vita x2 - PUL or 16 points each
Boots-Uniq......Sandstorm Treks, 15STR, 14Vita x3 - UM or 25 points each
Boots-Uniq......Marrowwalks, 2/18/17 - PUL or 20 points
Boots-Uniq......Marrowwalks, 2/19/17 x2 - PUL or 20 points each
Boots-Uniq......Marrowwalks, 2Skill, 20STR, 17Dext (perf stats) - GUL
Boots-Uniq......Shadow Dancers, 2Skill, 22Dext - VEX
Boots-Uniq......Wartravelers, 50mf (perf)x2 - OHM or higher each
GC......12FHR, 126AR - GUL
GC......15All Res, 12FHR - VEX
GC......7FRW, 9Max Dam, 49AR - GUL
GC......Bow & Crossbow Skills, +33Life x2 - VEX each
GC......Bow & Crossbow Skills, +5Dext - UM or 30 points
GC......Cold Skills, +21Life - VEX or higher
GC......Cold Skills, +24Life - OHM or higher
GC......Cold Skills, +25Life - OHM or higher
GC......Cold Skills, 6Dext - GUL
GC......Cold Skills, 7FRW - IST
GC......Elemental Skills - UM or 30 points
GC......Elemental Skills, +24%Extra Gold - UM or 30 points
GC......Fire Skills, 36 Life - 2x HR
GC......Javelin and Spear, +35Life - 2x HR
GC......Lightning Skills, 3Dext - 2x IST
GC......Martial Arts, 40 Life - 2x HR's (one must be BER or JAH)
GC......Necro Sumoning Skills, +34Life - offer
GC......Pally Combat Skills - GUL (2x IST)
GC......Pally Combat Skills, 38%Extra Gold - GUL (2x IST)
GC......Pally Def Skills, +32Life - GUL
GC......Passive and Magic Skils, +31Life - BER or JAH
GC......Passive and Magic Skils, +36Life - BER or JAH
GC......Passive and Magic Skils, 7FRW - MAL
GC......Warcries, 31 Life - 2x HR's (one must be BER or JAH)
LC......3Max Dam, 20AR, 33Life - offer
SC......10%Extra Gold x6 - Lem or 10 point each
SC......10%Extra Gold, 2Mana - Lem or 10 point
SC......10%Extra Gold, 4AR - Lem or 10 point
SC......10%Extra Gold, 6Max Stam - Lem or 10 point
SC......11C Res x2 - Lem or 10 point each
SC......11C Res, 1-24L Dam - Lem or 10 point
SC......11C Res, 2Dext - Lem or 10 point
SC......11F Res - Lem or 10 point
SC......11F Res, 1-4L Dam - Lem or 10 point
SC......11F Res, 1 STR x2 - Lem or 10 point each
SC......11F Res, 3mf - Lem or 10 point
SC......11F Res, 8Life - Lem or 10 point
SC......11L Res, 2STR - PUL or 16 points
SC......11P Res - Lem or 10 point
SC......17Mana, 2STR - offer
SC......17Mana, 6mf - offer
SC......3All Res, 2Dext - MAL
SC......3FRW, 10F Res - IST
SC......3FRW, 16Mana - offer
SC......3FRW, 28AR x2 - UM or 25 points
SC......3FRW, 29AR - UM or 25 points
SC......3FRW, 30Def - UM or 25 points
SC......3FRW, 8P Res - PUL or 14 points
SC......3FRW, 9P Res - PUL or 14 points
SC......3FRW, 10P Res x2 - PUL or 20 points each
SC......3FRW, 10C Res x3 - MAl or 40 points each
SC......3FRW, 11F Res - GUL
SC......3FRW, 15Mana x2 - MAl or 40 points each
SC......3FRW, 16Mana - GUL
SC......3FRW, 36AR - IST
SC......3Max D, 20AR - PUL or 20 points
SC......3Max D, 20AR, 1-13L Dam - PUL or 20 points
SC......4All Res, +8%Extra Gold - MAl or 40 points
SC......4All Res, 1-2F Dam - MAl or 40 points
SC......4All Res, 2-4C Dam - MAl or 40 points
SC......4All Res, 4mf - MAl or 40 points
SC......4All Res, 5mf - MAl or 40 points
SC......4All Res, 6-10F Dam - MAl or 40 points
SC......5FHR, 10P Res x2 - PUL each
SC......5FHR, 11F Res - VEX
SC......5FHR, 11P Res - UM or 30 points
SC......5FHR, 2Max Dam, 14AR - VEX
SC......5FHR, 25Def - PUL
SC......5FHR, 29Def - PUL
SC......5FHR, 3All Res - GUL
SC......5FHR, 3Max D, 16AR - OHM
SC......5FHR, 31AR - UM or 30 points
SC......5FHR, 35AR - UM or 30 points
SC......5FHR, 4All Res - JAH or BER
SC......7mf, 18Def - PUL+Lem or 25 points
SC......7mf, 9AR x2 - PUL or 18 points each
Torch......Assasin, 10/20 - UM
Torch......Assasin, 15/16 - IST
Torch......Assasin, 15/17 - IST
Torch......Assasin, 19/14 - VEX
Torch......Barbarian, 10/20 - UM
Torch......Druid, 20/10 - 3x IST
Torch......Druid, 20/15 - offer
Torch......Necro, 16/20 x2 - LO, BER or JAH each
Torch......Pally, 19/13 - JAH or BER + OHM
Torch......Sorceres, 19/13 - JAH or BER
Torch......Sorceres, 19/17 - JAH or BER + OHM
Torch......Sorceres, 19/18 - JAH or BER + OHM
Torch......Sorceres, 19/19 - 2x JAH or BER
Glove-Craft...20IAS, 2LL, 7 CB, 14STR, 1 DEXT, 18Life, 12Mana - IST
Glove-Rare...2 Martial Arts, 20IAS, 15%Edef, 13Dext, 5C Res - MAL
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 10AR, 49E Def, 14STR, 9Dext, 14C Res - GUL
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 14AR, 37%ED, 14Dext, 30F Res - UM
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 14STR, 18C Res, 7mf - PUL
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 18AR, 57E Def, 2STR, 14Dext, 5Stamina - PUL
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 44%ED, 4STR, 15Dext, 29L Res - IST
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 5%Bonus to AR, 26%E Def, 15Dext, 6L Res, 6 to light Radius - MAL
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 54ED, 15Dext, 22L Res, 12P Res - IST
Glove-Rare...20IAS, 56ED, 15Dext, 6Max Stam, 25L Res - MAL
Glove-Uniq...Dracul's Grasp, 8LL, 11STR x2 - UM each
Glove-Uniq...Dracul's Grasp, 8LL, 15STR x2 - MAL each
Glove-Uniq...Dracul's Grasp, 10LL, 15STR (perf) - VEX
Glove-Uniq...Steelrend, Unid x2 - OHM each ....or B/O
Circlet-Rare...2 Assasin Skills, 47/72 Dam/Ar against Demons, 29STR, 18Dext, 26Mana, poison red 75% - offer
Circlet-Rare...2 Cold Skills, 20FCR, 76%ED, 14STR, 10All Res, Dam Red by 3 - offer
Circlet-Rare...2 Light Skills, 20FCR, 20STR - GUL
Circlet-Rare...2 Light Skills, 23STR, 19Dext, 4Mana - IST
Circlet-Rare...2 Necro Skills, 1-49L Dam, 7LL, 25STR, 16Dext, 21P Res - offer
Circlet-Rare...2 Necro Skills, 29STR, 20Dext, 48Mana - offer
Circlet-Rare...2 Sorc Skills, 38%ED, 26STR, 16Dext, 2Mana after kill - offer
Circlet-Uniq...Griffon, Unid - 2x HR's (one must be JAH or BER)
Helm-Rare...2 Barb Skills, 3 Battle Orders, 5%AR Bonus, 53 Life, 3 Light Radius - offer
Helm-Set...Cow King Hat - PUL or 16 points
Helm-Set...Griswald Helm x2 - PUL or 16 points each
Helm-Set...Trang Helm x3 - PUL or 16 points each
Helm-Uniq...Anduriel, 10LL, 25STR (perf) - UM or 30 points
Helm-Uniq...Anduriel, 10LL, 29STR (perf) - MAL or 40 points
Helm-Uniq...Anduriel, 10LL, 30STR (perf) - 1HR
Helm-Uniq...Anduriel, 8LL, 30STR - MAL or 40 points
Helm-Uniq...Anduriel, 9LL, 28STR x3 - UM or 30 points each
Helm-Uniq...Anduriel, 9LL, 30STR x2 - MAL or 40 points each
Helm-Uniq...COA, Unid x2 - 2x HR's (BERs or JAH's)
Helm-Uniq...Eth Anduriel, Unid - BER or JAH
Helm-Uniq...Eth Arreat Face, 6LL, 183ED, 512 Def - BER or JAH (w/ ZOD included - 2x BER or JAH)
Helm-Uniq...Eth Vampgaze, 8ML, 7LL, 19%Dam Red, 10 Mag Dam Red, 378Def - offer
Helm-Uniq...Jalal, 199ED x2 - UM or 30 points each
Helm-Uniq...Ravenlore, 22All Res - UM
Helm-Uniq...Shako, 135Def - PUL or 20 points
Helm-Uniq...Shako, 138Def x3 - UM or 30 points each
Helm-Uniq...Shako, 139Def - UM or 30 points
Helm-Uniq...Shako, 140Def - UM or 30 points
Helm-Uniq...Vampgaze, 6ML, 8LL, 18%Dam Red, 11 Mag Dam Red - PUL or 20 points
Helm-Uniq...Vampgaze, 6ML, 8LL, 19%Dam Red, 14 Mag Dam Red - UM or 30 points
Helm-Uniq...Vampgaze, 8ML, 8LL, 18%Dam Red, 13 Mag Dam Red - UM or 30 points
Helm-Uniq...Vampgaze, 8ML, 7LL, 20%Dam Red, 15 Mag Dam Red - MAL or 40 points
Helm-Visio...Crown, 10FHR, Visio, 31%Edef, 2os (LvL 18 Req) - Offer
Pelt-Magic...3Elem Skills, 3Tornado, 2Hunger, 1os w/ (7FHR, 5STR, 6C/L/P Res, 18F Res-Jewel)(Antlers) - Offer
Pelt-Rare...2 Druid Skills, 3 Tornado, 2 Hunger, 2 Heart of Wolverine, 18%E Def, 25%Poison reduced - Offer
Pelt-Rare...2 Druid, 3 Tornado, 1 Rabies, 45%ED, 2 Energ, 10 Life, 28C Res (Falcon Mask) - Offer
Pelt-Rare...2 Druid, 3 Tornado, 15AR, 63ED, 7 Life, 9P Res (Green Antlers) - Offer
Jewel .....12All Res, 6 Dext - PUL
Jewel .....12All Res, 7 Dext - UM
Jewel .....13All Res, 5 STR - UM
Jewel .....14All Res - UM
Jewel .....15All Res - IST
Jewel .....15Max Dam, LvL 18 x6 - PUL each
Jewel .....15IAS, 15Max Dam - offer
Jewel .....20Max Dam (LvL 50) - offer
Jewel .....22Max Dam (LvL 50) - offer
Jewel .....30%ED, 7Max Dam, 9STR - offer
Jewel .....5Def, 6STR, 8DEXT (LvL 28 - GUL
Jewel .....6 F/C/P Res, 22L Res, 13Def, -15Req, (LvL 14) - offer
Jewel .....20 Max Dam (LvL 27) - GUL
Jewel .....25%ED, Heal Stam 10%, 8All Res, -15%Req - VEX
Jewel .....30%ED, 1-3C Dam, 9STR, 5Life - offer
Jewel .....33%ED, 9STR - offer
Jewel .....38%ED, 9STR - offer
Jewel .....40%ED - PUL
Jewel .....40%ED, +5-14 C Dam - PUL
Jewel .....40%ED, 1 Energ - PUL
Jewel .....6STR, 6DEXT, heal stamina, 15C Res - IST
Jewel .....7FHR, 19-40F Dam, 5STR, 19F Res - IST
Jewel .....7FHR, 4-30F Dam, 9Dext, 15F Res - JAH or BER
Jewel .....7FHR, 7STR, 4Energ, 29L Res - MAL
Jewel-Uniq .....Cold LvL Facet, 5Skill, 4Res - UM or 30 points
Jewel-Uniq .....Fire LvL Facet, 5Skill, 4Res - UM or 30 points
Jewel-Uniq .....Fire LvL Facet, 5Skill, 4Res - UM or 30 points
Jewel-Uniq .....Light Die Facet, 5Skill, 3Res - PUL or 20 points
Jewel-Uniq .....Poison Die Facet, 5Skill, 4Res x3 - PUL or 20 points each
Jewel-Uniq .....Poison LvL Up, 4Skill, 5Res - Lem
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 100Mana - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 101Mana - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 111Mana - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 115AR, 17 STR, 3 Dext - IST or 50 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 10C/F Res, 36L Res, 29P Res, Magic Dam red by 1 - UM or 30 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 112AR, 16STR, 16C Res, dam red by 2 - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 17Str, 21Life, 27L Res - VEX
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 19STR, 20Stam, 7All Res, Dam red by 1 - VEX
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 2STR, 7Max Stam, 18F Res, 20mf - MAL or 40 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 2STR, 9Dext, 74Mana, 6F Res - IST
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 33AR, 17STR, 10C/L/F Res, 39P Res - VEX
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 4Min Dam, 19STR, 8C/L/P Res, 16F Res - VEX
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 4STR, 60Mana, 8F/L/P Res, 20C Res - UM or 25 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 47AR, 5STR, 89Mana, 11L Res, 40%Extra Gold - MAL or 40 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 50P Dam, 87Mana, Half Freeze, 5mf - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 53AR, 9Dext, 79Mana, 4All Res, 3Light Radius - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 58AR, 14Energy, 30Mana, 14L Res (LvL 23) - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 5ML, 14Dext, 4C/F/P Res, 21L Res - VEX
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 5Repl Life, 11F Res, 29P Res, 2Light Radius (LvL 13) - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 69AR, 8LL, 38Life, 17C Res - GUL
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 75AR, 5LL, 18STR, 6F Res, 8mf - GUL
Ring-FCR.....10FCR, 92AR, 3Energ, 10C/F/P Res, 21L Res - PUL or 16 points
Ring-FCR-mf.....10FCR, 15mf x3 - MAL or 40 points each
Ring-mf.....34AR, 24Life, Mag Dam red by 2, 20mf - PUL or 16 points
Ring-mf.....32mf x2 - PUL or 18 points each
Ring-mf.....34mf - PUL or 18 points
Ring-mf.....5min Dam, 4max Dam, 7All Res, 20mf - MAL
Ring-Uniq.....BK, 3LL - Mal or 40 points
Ring-Uniq.....BK, 5LL - GUL
Ring-Uniq.....Manald Ring, 7ML - Lem or 10 point
Ring-Uniq.....Nagelring, 30mf x3 - Pul each
Ring-Uniq.....Nature Peace x3 - Pul or 16 points each
Ring-Uniq.....Ravenfrost, 20/215 (perf) - UM or 30 points
Ring-Uniq.....Ravenfrost, 20/250 (perf) - 2x JAH or BER
Ring-Uniq.....Wisp Projector, 19Light Abs, 19mf - offer
Shield-Magic.....4os Jewelers Monarch (plain 4os) - MAL
Shield-Set.....Griswald Shield x3 - PUL 0r 20 points each
Shield-Set.....Trang Shield x3 - Pul or 16 point each
Shield-Uniq.....Darkforce, Unid - OHM
Shield-Uniq.....Darkforce, 3/3/1 - OHM
Shield-Uniq.....HOZ, 178ED - MAL or 40 points
Shield-Uniq.....HOZ, 189ED - MAL or 40 points
Shield-Uniq.....HOZ, 195ED - IST+MAL
Shield-Uniq.....Humonculus, 197ED - UM 0r 30 points
Claw-Set ......Natly Scissors - PUL or 20 points
Orb-Uniq ......Death Fathom, unid x3 - LO or higher each
Polearm-Uniq ......Tomb Reaver, 3os, 76mf - PUL or 20 points
Polearm-Uniq ......Tomb Reaver, 3os, 79mf - PUL or 20 points
Runeword ......CTA Eth Flail, 4/2/3 - VEX or 100 crafting points
Scourge-Uniq ......Stormlash, 291ED, 6L Abs - GUL or 70 crafting points
Sword-Uniq ......Azurewrath - random - UM
Sword-Uniq ......Azurewrath, 257ED, 5All Attr - UM
Sword-Uniq ......Azurewrath, 270ED(perf), 9All Attr - IST
Wand-Uniq ......Death Web, Unid x2 - LO, JAH or BER each
Wand-Uniq ......Eth Death Web, Unid - LO, JAH or BER
Armor......3os Breast Plate, 15%ED, 79Def - IST
Armor......3os Dusk Shroud, 5%ED, 14%Durab, 491Def - offer
Armor......3os Mage Plate, 14%ED, 13%Durab, 298Def - offer
Armor......4os Archon Plate, 514Def - offer
Armor......4os Great Hauberk, 7%ED, 537Def - IST
Armor......4os Scarab Husk, 15%ED, 10%Durab, 546Def - offer
Claw.......3os Feral Claw, 3 to Venon - offer
Claw.......3os Greater Talon, 3LS - offer
Flail.......5os Eth Flail - MAL
Pike.......6os Eth War Pike - offer
Polearm.......6os Eth Giant Thresher - offer
Scepter.......5os Divine Scepter, 3 FOH - offer
Shield.......4os Kurast Shield, 43All Res, 157Def - offer
Shield.......4os Kurast Shield, 44All Res, 170Def - offer
Sword.......5os Phase Blade - IST
Sword.......6os Eth Crystal Sword - UM|||I'll bin the chancies, mule inc|||Oh Markus how much I missed you

I am looking at your:
I have PUL and random assorted runes/gems that sum up to like 40 points. How do you think about that?
I may work harder to gather more if you want

8 points (Sol Runes)
Runeword .........Spirit Crystal Sword, 30FCR, 98Mana - Offer
10 points (Ral Runes)|||Quote:
I'll bin the chancies, mule inc
Thanx, will exchange shortly
Oh Markus how much I missed you

I am looking at your:
I have PUL and random assorted runes/gems that sum up to like 40 points. How do you think about that?
I may work harder to gather more if you want

Since you miss me so much I will take it...lol
Send mule please.
Dagger-Uniq ......Wizspike - Offer
8 points (Sol Runes)
Runeword .........Spirit Crystal Sword, 30FCR, 98Mana - Offer
10 points (Ral Runes)
If you can make 15 Points for Spirit I will accpt your offer.
If not you can send mule for dagger.
LMK|||While I don't have a lem rune, I would really like to see if I can get that trang armor off of you.
I'll give you 8 pgems (2diamond,2sapphire,2kulls,1ruby,1topaz) and 3 tkeys for it.|||Hey Markus, I'll be a little too short on currency to offer for both if that is the case. Is it alright to just bin the Spirit with 15 points (Sol/Ral combination)|||Awesome, you're still here.
Armor-Uniq......Glad Bane - LEM or 10 points
Helm-SET.....Guillaume - PUL
BIN these two with D Key (10 points) + Pul.
Edit: Trade complete, thanks.|||Hi Markus,
I'll bin Tal Mask at 10pts.
Mule info sent.|||will you take points for the Tal's Orb and belt? If so how much?
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