ISO homunculus
FT: assorted pgems|||Welcome to the Forums
While I don't think I can help you with the items (looking for War Travs myself actually) I figured I would help you with your format.
First off, the thread name. to keep it shorter and neater just write "ISO Shako, War Travs, Homunculus". Everyone knows that Shako means Harlequin Crest.
Then, when you make the thread, its better to list which pgems you have to trade, unless you have a huge number of all types. I say this because most people value Rubies and Amethysts higher than the others, so its nice to know how many of each you have.
Finally, it might help to specify the items you are looking for a little more. Namely does the defense of the Shako or Homunculus matter, does the MF on the War Travs matter etc. It just helps eliminate offers that you might not be able to afford (such as a perfect 50 mf War Travs)
Hope this helps. You don't need to reformat the current thread but just a few tips for the future.|||Thanks scollin.|||shako here @ whatever most amount of pamys ull give me i got 6 last time u can whisper me on d2 rickyrams is my account name|||Thanks rickyrams, but I just bought one. I paid about twice what you're asking, though, so you might want to up your price. lol|||Nsuh, it's worth knowing that it varies wildly how people value specific gems. I was after runes, so pameths are worth less for me (I'm also not crafting). Someone actively crafting will attribute a much higher value to amethysts and rubies (sometimes)|||Nsuh,
You also need to be careful with your bidding. It looks like you bid on a shako in Markus's thread before you bid on Arkain's. Markus is a nice guy and may let you off the hook for it, but as it is you are obligated to buy that one as well. Your new here, so I think people will understand that there is a bit of a learning curve.
Cheers|||Once an offer is made on an item you are obligated to buy it, otherwise don't expect many people to trade with you.|||Thanks for the friendly advice, folks. I'm prepared to buy Markus' and rickrams' shakos if that's the board custom.
I do have a question about the phrasing of bidding. Here's my post from Markus' thread:
"Hey mate. I'm new here so apologies for not knowing the protocol, but I'm interested in your harlequin's crest, war traveler's, and homunculus, and believe I have enough currency. What's the next step?"
Is what I wrote considered me making a bid? If so, how would I phrase wanting to talk to someone about what they're selling and see if it's a good fit?|||In that case, he had a bin price next to the items and you said you were interested, had the cash, and what next. If you wanted to make a lesser offer, say something like 'would you take x for this?'
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